What is breathwork healing?

What is Breathwork? 

Breathwork is an active pranayama meditation that helps you open your heart, clear stuck energy, gain access to your life force and connect to your spirit. The active breathing focuses your energy into your physical body, so that you are able to calm your mind and connect with your body, heart and intuition. Through that process deep healing is possible. 

As you breathe, oxygen moves into the bloodstream and makes its way to your brain. This stimulates the hypothalamus gland which increases the flow of endorphins in the body, and opens you up to more of your own energy. This can create a mediative, activated or altered state. As you enter into that activated state, you are able to clear deeply held emotional patterns and energy from the body. Old emotional patterns that may have been holding you back can come to the surface to be cleared, creating more freedom, open-heartedness, intuitive knowing, and clarity of mind. The increase of oxygen and endorphin flow can also stimulate the other glands of the endocrine system which can open the chakra centers. Chakras are energy centers commonly referred to in the yogic tradition and spiritual work. 

What is the Pranyama breath pattern? 

The breath pattern is slow and controlled during the entire experience. You will breathe in and out through the mouth in a 3-part pattern. The pattern is: a deep inhale into the belly, a deep inhale into the heart or chest, and an exhale through the mouth. You will breathe for 25 minutes with a 10 minute rest period total. 

What is the experience like? 

Everyone’s experience is different and there is no wrong way to do the practice. Physical symptoms such as light-headedness, temperature change, and tingling in the hands and feet are very common. It is normal to feel slight resistance as you begin the process, but the longer you breathe, the easier it becomes. During the breathwork, you will feel your cognitive mind letting go, so you can drop into your body and your heart. It sometimes feels like being in a deep meditation. You may feel a wide array of emotions as they release from your body. You may also connect to your intuition, receive clarity, connect with your spirit, and have visions. It is important to remember that you are opening up your energy and your body in a new way, so a new and different experience is to be expected. 

What is possible through Breathwork? 

So much is possible through this practice. You can connect more deeply to your intuition and inner knowing, so that life decisions become easier. It is also possible to clear emotions from the past that may be holding you back and release the root cause of behavioral patterns. Because the breath allows the cognitive mind to quiet, many breathwork sessions open us up to a deep spiritual connection or messages from that divine source that is meaningful to you.